The Communications Style Assessment Template

This Communications Style assessment is a simple and effective way to help clients understand their communication style. Use it to understand yours too.

It’s an excellent tool for discovery and growth.

Try it out here (opens in a new window)

Original Research

This assessment is based on the research by Pierre Casse, published in 1981 in the book Training for the Cross-Cultural Mind. Here he proposed 4 categories of communication styles called Action, Process, Idea, and People.

Since then, many flavors of determining the communication styles have been developed in the form of many assessments. A popular version is by LeadershipIQ founded by Mark Murphy.

This communication style template assessment designed for coaches uses the same 4 types of communication categories but uses it’s own set of questions to determine someone’s composite style. As a result, this template has been designed for ease of use and quick understand. This enables effective coaching and progress measurement. It is also customizable by those who would like to add their own material tailored to help their clients. You can also brand this assessment as your own.

The 4 Communication Styles

All of us have one dominant communication style, but our overall style is shaped by the other three communication styles too.

Note: As a subscriber to Evalinator, you may customize the quiz as needed for your practice. For example, add necessary calls to action, offers, and personalized advice.

There are 4 major communication styles. 

  1. Analytical (Action): Data-driven and detail-oriented. Analytical communicators focus on facts, figures, and logical analysis to make decisions and solve problems.
  2. Intuitive (Idea): Big picture thinkers. Intuitive communicators focus on possibilities, new ideas, and future-oriented solutions.
  3. Functional (Process): Process-oriented and practical. Functional communicators emphasize structured plans, step-by-step approaches, and efficient processes.
  4. Personal (People): Relational and empathetic. Personal communicators prioritize relationships, emotions, and teamwork, focusing on building strong connections with others.

The Communication Style assessment offers a fresh perspective on human communication by giving the respondent what their composite communication style is. 

Communication Styles assessment


Who Can Use This?

There are several use cases:

  1. For yourself – take it to see what your own style is. It’s free
  2. For coaches – use with your clients to help them align their strengths better with their goals
  3. For sales & consultants – Communicate using your unique style and convey your key messages better. Get the right sales enablement material created that helps you do that.  
  4. Business leaders – get your team to align with their strengths
  5. Marketing – package it up as a white labeled quiz for lead generation. Who doesn’t want to know their communication style!

What’s Unique About Our Communication Style?

People don’t just have one communication style.

Instead, a person’s overall style is a composite. In the workplace or at home or in our social lives, we all have to do a little bit of everything. But most of the times, one style is dominant and defines how we generally communicate.

This assessment not only identifies a person’s dominant style, but also shows you how the other styles influence our overall communication style.

The Benefits of A Communication Style Assessment

Knowing your communications style goes beyond a fun personality test.

Think of it as a strategic tool designed to empower your client with insights about them and actionable steps they can take to be more effective in your role.

The benefits for your clients are:

  • Discover YOU: Uncover the archetype that perfectly captures the essence of your brand and provides a solid foundation for your sales & marketing strategies.
  • Deepen Customer Connections: By knowing how you communicate you can take steps to better connect with your target audience. It enables you to be more authentic and compelling.
  • Work Better With Your Team: Gain a competitive edge by embracing your distinct style, and get the right team-mates to complement your strengths.
  • Align Your Personal Brand: Use your personal communication style to guide important decisions such as how you promote yourself. That way you can ensure every touchpoint reflects your unique personality.
  • Drive Consistent Growth: Harness the emotional resonance of your style to build customer loyalty, increase engagement, and drive sustainable growth in your business.

Note: As with any such personality test, this communication styles assessment and these descriptions provide a brief overview of the styles. As a coach you can offer your clients much more detailed knowledge of these styles and how they can use the knowledge to improve their communication. A good reference is here on Grammarly

Try It For Your Practice

Try out the Communication Style assessment now (opens in a new window).

Then, you can create and launch your own custom branded Communications Style assessment for your coaching or consulting practice.

This assessment is included with your subscription and is an excellent coaching tool.

You can tailor the questions and the outputs if you’d like.  In addition, Evalinator provides you with a full coaching toolkit including goal setting and before-after analysis.

Coaches: The Communication Style assessment  can be combined with your own Coaching Wheel of Life that you can also create with Evalinator. Together, these 2 assessments make up an excellent toolkit to help clients with their journey.

Sign up here for a 14 day, no-risk trial.

Launch Your Own Communication Styles Test in 10 Minutes


