Setting Up Incentives to Promote Your Assessment

In this post we’ll show you how to link a promotion or a lead magnet to promote your assessment, and vice versa. That way you can amplify the effect of your client engagement efforts and boost engagement.

Here’s an example of how a promotion will look like on the start page of your assessment (take the assessment to see how it appears on the results page).

What is a “lead magnet”?

The term “lead magnet” comes from sales and marketing. It is essentially something that the clients find valuable enough that they are willing to exchange their contact details with you.

Your lead magnet could be a:

  1. Checklist
  2. eBook
  3. Course
  4. Infographic
  5. Coupon
  6. Assessment or quiz
  7. or anything else

Your Evalinator assessment or quiz is also an excellent lead magnet by itself. It provides immediate value to the visitors coming to  your website and appeals to the inquisitive side of of people’s emotions. It positions your expertise well and builds trust.

Adding a separate lead magnet (or offer or download) to your assessment does 2 things:

  1. It encourages people to take your assessment or quiz
  2. It encourages people to download or engage with your offer or lead magnet

How to link your lead magnet?

When you edit your Evalinator assessment, you’ll see a tab called “Promotions” under settings. From here you’ll be able to link your lead magnet and promote your assessment too.



Here’s a sample of how this section will look on the results page of your Evalinator assessment. The customizable redeem button points to the online location where you have your checklist or course.


How to edit your promotion setting?

When you click “Edit” on your assessment or quiz, you will be brought to the screen where you can set up your incentive.

A promotion has 7 basic components.

  1. Image: This is an image of what your incentive looks like. People respond better to images so it’s good to include one. It can either be a stock image, or a screenshot of your asset. It’s small, say 400px by 300 px or so. So adjust the image to your liking before you upload it.
  2. A tagline: A few words that tell the user what it is. For e.g. “My 5 Tips for Better Work-Life Balance.” or “A Checklist for Getting New Customers”.
  3. Pre-description: This is 3-4 sentences that describe what the asset is. It also makes it clear that they can get the asset on the results page. For example, “After you take this assessment, you will get free access to my checklist on…”.
  4. Post Description: Almost the same as the pre-description, but this appears on the results page, so the language can include a note of thanks, and what to do next. For examples, “Thank you for taking the assessment. Here’s the checklist on …”.
  5. URL to the asset: This appears as a button on the results page where respondents can visit your asset (download, set a meeting, etc.)
  6. The CTA button text: Customize this as needed. For example, “Access Checklist Here”, or “Download Now”, etc.
  7. A date range during which your promotion can be active. Leave this blank if you want the promotion to always appear.

How to enable display of the incentive or promotion romotion For your Assessment

Once you have set up the promotion, there’s just one more thing to do. Go to the options in your Start Page tab and enable the option to “Show Promotions”. Here’s how it looks:


assessment promotions - show option


That’s it. Click “Publish” and you are all set to promote your assessment.

If you have any questions, just let us know. We’ll add more variations and options to this feature so stay tuned.

Whether it’s a Wheel of Life, or a Scored Assessment, a promotion works in all cases to promote your assessment. And of course it works for most audiences too. Here’s an example of how it will look like. on the start page (take the assessment to see how it appears on the results page).

After all, who doesn’t want something of value from an expert? (hint: that’s you!).


PS: If you want to create a lead generation funnel for your business or increase the life-time value of your relationships, then see our plans and sign up for a 14 day free trial.

